Before you commence on building your UKROC rocket for the competition, you may want to experience some smaller and simpler models with your team. These bulk sets of rockets can be great to get a bit of flying experience in a simpler and quicker form.
You will still need to pick rocket motors for these rocket sets and a launch pad, launch controller, batteries, recovery wadding and any building supplies as per the listings (most schools will probably have most of the construction supplies already). More details should be included in each listing.
- For rocket motors typically you will want A or B motors for these rockets,click here to view a selection.
- We suggest the Klima launch pad and controller for these rockets, you can upgrade this with a larger 6mm launch rod, or 5mm slot launch rail (not suitable for UKROC as their rail will be 6mm typically).
This Klima pad and controller bundle comes with batteries too. - We also suggest the Klima natural wadding.